Monday, October 18, 2010

I saw an interview with Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, who is in my opinion one of the greatest musicians of today.  He said that he doesnt think about his fans when he makes his music.  He doesnt care what his fans want to hear, he just makes what he is feeling.  That statement seems kind of bold and snobby at first glance, but after thinking about it for a while, it makes sense.  If you just played what people wanted to hear, you wouldnt be expressing yourself. You would be a dj.  To be an artist, a musician, you need to express yourself by making something that is genuinely you and not something that is what you think other people want to hear.  Regardless of wether your music is good or bad or if your fans like it or not, your music is yours and it expresses you.  This whole concept doesnt apply to just music, but also writing, painting, or any other form of art.

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