Monday, November 1, 2010

I work at a halloween haunting place in rural New Jersey.  My boss is about 50 years old and a very interesting person.  Last friday, I was talking to him at my section of the haunted trail and all of the sudden he dropped low to the ground and looked like he was about to pull some kind of karate move.  He spread his arms out, kept really low, and started walking towards the woods.  He looked not unlike a lion stalking its prey. I was startled because we where having a normal conversation and out of no where, he went into prowling mode.  I learned later that he thought he had heard someone in the woods and thought they might be trying to sneak into the place without paying.  I think he may have been a hitman or a spy of some sorts back in his younger days because he moved so stealthily, it even creeped me out and I was standing behind him.


  1. That's pretty cool. If you ever do find out post it up because now I kinda want to know

  2. Some people just have hidden stealth talents and I'm jealous of them. When i try to sneak through the woods it sounds like a herd of buffalo stampeding.
